We were able to spend the entire day as a family. I honestly can't remember the last time that happened. There are a lot of exciting things going on at our church right now, but as a result, my hubby has been out of pocket a lot lately. So, for us to have the entire day together was HUGE in my book (and Riley's!).
We began the day by re-covering cushions for our 'new' pop-up camper. I don't guess I've done a post about my birthday present, but Daniel surprised me with an 80's model pop-up camper. I have always wanted an RV. Now, when I say RV, I mean something like this...
Needless to say, when I came home from zumba the night before my birthday (in March) and saw this, I was a bit shocked!
But, my husband knows (and I do, too) that we'll never own my dream RV, so why not settle for something a little more "Bramlett" style and have fun working together to fix it up?! So, over the past 2 months, that's what we've (mostly he!) been doing. And, I must say, it's looking a whole lot better!
This was back in March when we first began working on it
There was a leak in the roof, so we had to tear out the ceiling and put in a new one. Daniel also took down the window coverings and washed them. You can see to the left of Daniel the old ugly cushions.
Our project today was to re-cover those horrid-looking cushions and hang new curtains that a sweet lady in our church made.
There's a good view of the old fabric we were replacing
Riley LOVES to be his daddy's helper!
What a beautiful day for working outside! The camper was sitting closer to the back shrubs, but in order to work on it, we needed to pull it out into the middle of the back yard...hence the riding lawn mower. :) (and no, Riley did not drive the mower - he just likes to play on it when it is NOT on)
And there's the new cushions! Love them!
Riley testing them out
Sweet girl having fun with her rings
Working on one of the beds
The new curtains!
Look how much cleaner the liner looks!
Once the camper projects were completed, Riley deemed it time-to-ride-the-bicycle. He is really into bikes these days, especially ones that are entirely too large for him. The other day I turned my back for one second and the next thing I knew, he was perched on top of my bike! How he got up there, I do not know! Anyway, today he wanted to ride Daddy's bike.
So, off they went! After taking this picture, Ella and I went inside to do dishes and not be witnesses to the completely unsafe craziness that was taking place. Needless to say, my heart beat a little slower 10 minutes later when I saw Riley (in one piece) playing in the backyard again.
And, we finished off the day with haircuts for the boys. I took this picture with my phone, so it's not the best quality, but you get the idea. Riley absolutely abhors getting his haircut. So, after many tears (and lots of gnashing of teeth), his hair is much shorter and should keep him a lot cooler as we approach jump into summer.

As I look back on this day, "I give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart," as David says in Psalm 9. Daniel preached on this Psalm last Sunday, and I've been thinking about it all week. It is my desire to be thankful with my WHOLE heart for all of His many blessings! Today, I am thankful for gorgeous weather, quality time with my 3 favorite people, a husband who loves me enough to surprise me with a special gift and then work countless hours fixing it up, nutritious food that gave us the energy we needed to work today, long naps for my baby girl, a little man that keeps us laughing, running water to clean us all after a hot, sweaty day, and a comfortable bed that I will soon lay my body in. Thank you, Lord, for Your many blessings!