
Africa, Here I Come!

Well, tomorrow's the big day when I say goodbye to my two favorite males and board a plane for Florida. I will eventually end up in Africa, but I have to go through Florida first. I'll spend the night in Jacksonville with some friends and then head out on Friday. We'll leave Friday afternoon, fly through Atlanta and on to Johannesburg, arriving Saturday night at 5 pm (their time...10 am CST). I was hoping to write about Riley's birthday before leaving, but the days got away from me. I'll have to backtrack when I return.

I would greatly appreciate any and all prayers you are willing to offer while I'm gone! Please pray specifically for my health and the health of the baby, that I will allow God to strengthen me daily, that I will stay in the Word remembering why I'm in Africa, that I will allow Him to do everything through me, that I will remember quickly how to drive there, that Riley will adjust well to my being gone, and for strong team unity (I will be going with 7 other women from Florida). Thank you so much for being willing to lift me up during this time. I could not go if it weren't for the support of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I can't wait to share with you all that HE has done in and through our team! See you in a couple weeks!


Goofy ABC's

Riley (a.k.a. Mr. Goofball) loves to entertain Daniel and I. If we laugh at something he does, he is bound to do it over and over until we stop laughing. One day he was sitting in his chair eating when he busted out with the ABC's but in a goofy voice. We laughed and laughed and then I grabbed the camera. Enjoy our silly little man!


The big brother is 2!!!!

It's hard to believe that this little munchkin (all 6 lbs 1 oz)turned into this big boy in just 2 short years!
Happy Birthday to my favorite little boy named Riley! Mama and Daddy love you SO much, and we look forward to celebrating many more birthdays!


No Such Luck

Well apparently this child has a mind of its own! For some reason I had a feeling he/she might not cooperate for us to know whether we'd need to buy new clothes or be able to pull out Riley's old ones. Sure enough, my feeling was right! Riley came with us to the appointment and was all ready to find out if it was a brother or sister...

The ultrasound tech took me back by myself at first. He said they like to do all of the measurements without anyone else in the room and then they bring the family in to reveal the sex and show all the body parts. He worked for a long time getting all of the measurements and he kept talking about how much of a mover this baby was. I thought that was a good sign...if he/she moves a lot, we should definitely be able to find out what it is! Once he finally finished the technical side of it, he went back out and got Daniel and Riley. I'm not sure why, but as soon as the baby found out they were coming in, he/she curled up in a ball facedown and would not move! We tried everything! He/She was determined not to let us know! Below you can see the picture of baby Bramlett #2 showing it's stubborn side. :)

It's head is on the left side of the picture with the spine on top and the ribs below the spine. The tech said this was its right arm/hand, but to me it looks like the left...but what do I know. :) Nevertheless, here is proof that the little one was facedown and not planning on moving.

Oh well...the most important thing, as I said yesterday, is that this child is healthy and growing as he/she should. We are very thankful for that! Supposedly we'll go back for another ultrasound in 4-5 weeks to track the growth, so hopefully by then we'll be able to find out the sex. If not, I'm not sure what I'm going to do! The suspense is killing me! Plus, I'm very much a type-A personality, and I like to be prepared! I'm really hoping the experience today is not a foreshadowing of things to come in the future...ahem, strong-willed child and all. I was a strong-willed child myself, and it may be payback time! :)


Exciting Days

I am listening to the most glorious sound right now - RAIN! We have needed it so desperately, and I'm so thankful the Lord decided today was the day.

Today was also the 5th and final day of our church's 2011 Vacation Bible School. For my 2nd year in a row, I taught the missions rotation for the week. The difference this year...I had a helper! And what a great helper she was! We had a lot of fun (and many laughs) teaching the kindergarten through 5th graders, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved it was over. :) I am completely exhausted! Every day Riley and I came home and just crashed. He had a great week at 'Bible Cool' (he has some trouble getting the 'S' out), too! He was able to spend a lot of time with his daddy and he also had fun playing and learning in the nursery. Although, last night (Wednesday) about an hour before church was to start, I said, "Riley, do you want to go see Ms. Bobbie [nursery worker] tonight or stay home?" Without even taking a breath, he said, "Stay home!" Ha! So me and my boy enjoyed a quiet evening in our own home with his own toys...and what a happy boy he was! :)

Well, tomorrow is the BIG day! Daniel, Riley and I will go at 11:00 am for the ultrasound where they will check the baby's development and hopefully be able to tell us if it's a boy or girl! We are so excited! My main prayer is that the baby is healthy and developing just as he/she should. Finding out the sex is a bonus, but I won't be at ease until I see both arms and legs, a healthy heart, a good-sized head, etc. One thing is for sure, this baby is active! I felt him/her for the first time a week and a half ago when Daniel was preaching about Jesus being the Bread of Life (pretty appropriate, if you ask me!), and since then I've felt him/her off and on. Yesterday, though, there was a period of time where he/she was doing sommersaults in my belly! You can ask anyone who knows me well...I'm not a huge fan of being pregnant (ok, really I don't like it at all), BUT I absolutely love being able to feel the little life inside of me. That is priceless!

And in case you're wondering, we really don't have a preference as to whether it's a boy or girl. I will say that I've had two dreams so far where the baby was a boy, and in the past I've been known for having dreams come true. So, we'll see! No worries...I'll post tomorrow afternoon to update you all on what we found out. :)

For now, though, I think I'm going to curl up on the couch with a good book and continue enjoying the sounds of this amazing thunderstorm!