The Many Faces of Riley Bramlett
6 to 9
One month
Riley's Birthday
That’s what I told the nurse when she asked if we had any plans the rest of Monday or Tuesday. We were taken to the labor & delivery floor where we talked with our doctor about our options. Originally she said she wanted to start an induction, but after checking to see if my body was ready for labor she told us we’d need to decide between induction and a scheduled c-section. She said if they tried to induce, I would probably be in labor for a very long time and then may end up needing a c-section in the end anyway. So, Daniel and I discussed it and decided that since Riley was in possible danger and I might end up needing a c-section anyway, we should go ahead and have one that day. So, around 4:00 pm I walked into the O.R. (yes, you read that right!) and the procedure began! Riley was born at 4:13 and I was back in the recovery room by 5:00. So, let me introduce our son…
Riley Whitlow Bramlett
Born July 20, 2009
6 lbs 1 oz
19.25 inches
And here are some more pics from the big event…
Waiting to go into the O.R.
Surprise! We get to meet our son today!
Excited and nervous daddy getting ready to come into the O.R.
Just minutes old and already praising the Lord! :) By the way, look at those hands!!!
My first time to see the precious boy up close
A small 6 lbs. 1 oz.!
My absolute favorite picture
We're going home today! Even though the outfit is WAY too big for him, daddy insisted he go home in his Arkansas Razorback onesie. :)
38 weeks
Here I am on July 15th at 38 weeks. I went to work with a horrible headache that would not go away. I tried regular strength Tylenol and even a nap at lunch, but nothing helped. I didn’t think much of it…however, in the back of my mind I thought about how I’d read that as a pregnant woman, if you have persistent headaches that won’t go away with Tylenol, you should call your doctor. I was going to my scheduled weekly appointment the next day, so I decided I’d just talk to the doctor about it then.
The next morning (Thursday) when the nurse took my blood pressure, the excitement began. It was 130/100, so since I was full-term, my doctor decided to send me to the labor & delivery assessment area to see if I had preeclampsia. After 4 hours of testing and monitoring, they sent me home and said to call if my headache didn’t go away or got worse. Friday I called because I still had the headache, so they had me come in for an appointment that afternoon. They ended up keeping me overnight at the hospital for monitoring…oh what fun it was to be hooked up to all types of machines while I tried to sleep! They decided on Saturday that I didn’t have preeclampsia, I “just” had gestational hypertension (the precursor to preclampsia). Once again, when I left, they said to call if my headache came back, but otherwise I should come back Monday morning for some more monitoring. We did not go to the hospital Sunday (halleluiah!). We got there at 8:00 Monday morning expecting to hear that everything was normal and then we'd go home to wait for Riley to decide it was time for him to enter the world. However, after being on the monitors for about 45 minutes, the nurse midwife spoke with our doctor because she was concerned about the lack of variation in Riley’s heart rate. Evidently, when babies move in the womb, their heart rate should go up 10 bpm for 10 seconds. Riley’s would go up, but then immediately go back down to what it was before he moved. The doctor was concerned about him being too lethargic, so she decided it was time to introduce him to New Orleans.
To be continued...
Fourth of July 2009
Seeing as how I was 9 months pregnant when 4th of July came around this year, we decided it was best not to travel, but to stay in the city and celebrate with some close friends. We began the festivities by grilling out at Thomas and Amanda Hudson’s house. Here is the meat dish we contributed to the meal…
Resting after hiking up the levee!
Amanda and JT
Daniel having fun with sparklers
Amanda and JT get in on the action
And then the show began…
We had a wonderful 4th, and we’re so excited about next year when Riley will get to see the fireworks and not just hear them! :)