
#901 - 1st day of gymnastics!

Two years ago I decided to start documenting 1,000 things I'm thankful for. About 6 months ago, life took over and I just quit posting. It's time to start again. I said in my original post that it may take me 5 years to get to #1 (counting down from #1,000), and I'm right on track for that length of time, if not more. But, that's ok! My goal is to just do it, no matter how long it may take. So, here's the latest gift I'm thankful for...

This little girl was SO excited to begin gymnastics today at Steel Belt Academy in our small town. I love that we can literally walk out our door, past the church and across the street to a gymnastics academy! I know she's going to have so much fun learning. I just wish I could've stayed and watched! Counting down the minutes until I can pick her up and hear all about it. Love my girl's energy and excitement for life! 

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