
#936 - Getting Close!

Today I am thankful for the agency we're applying to be foster-to-adopt parents through. This past Saturday we attended our first (of 2) P.R.I.D.E. (Parent Resource for Information, Development, Education) trainings in Tyler at the Christian Homes office. We weren't sure what to expect, and honestly, after a rough night in a hotel room with 2 little ones, we weren't all that excited about sitting through 6 long hours of training. However, it was a wonderful experience! We both gained so much from it, and one of those things for me was a greater love for the agency we'll be working with. Not only do they know our ultimate goal (adoption), but they also LOVE the LORD and desire to serve Him by serving others. When I told our trainer that I saw fostering as a type of ministry - not just to the children, but also to the birth parents - she got it. She didn't look at me like I was crazy. She understood and agreed. That brings me peace and joy.

So, you may be wondering when we'll stop talking about fostering and actually start doing it! The end of the application process is in sight! We have a few more minor details to take care of, one more in office training (next week) a couple of online trainings, and then we should be ready for our home study. That's kind of the big shabang at the end which will determine if we've been approved or not. Would you please pray with us? As the end of this long process comes to a close, the reality of everything is setting in and I'll be honest, I'm somewhat scared (okay, there are days when I'm really scared). Our daily routines (mine more than Daniel's in a lot of ways) are about to change drastically. BUT, I know without a shadow of a doubt that we've been called to this, so that's what I must cling to. When we step out in faith, God provides for our every need and He blesses us beyond measure. So, please pray that my fears will be replaced with faith and that any apprehensions will be replaced with excitement! We get to be a part of God's movement to rescue & restore those who are hurting! How much more exciting can it get??

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