When I first began feeding Riley table food, he would eat pretty much anything I put in front of him, and I was SO excited! I thought, "thank you, Lord, I do not have a picky eater!" Well, little did I know then that he would soon become a picky eater. It's been a gradual process, though. It's not like he woke up one day and just quit liking everything. He slowly stopped liking grilled cheese sandwiches, and then it was blueberries, and then it was bananas, etc. Every day it's like a game (don't be confused, though...it's NOT a fun game) to try and figure out what he will and won't eat. Yesterday he liked chicken nuggets, today he threw them on the floor. Yesterday he spit out broccoli, today he gobbled it up. You just never know what you're going to get. Anyway, back to the duck...
There are a few items that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt he will eat...pancakes, watermelon, cantaloupe, nutrigrain bars, goldfish (what kid won't?!), and PLAIN BREAD. So today, as I was tearing his PLAIN BREAD into bite-size pieces and placing them on his tray, I felt as though I was at the park feeding a duck. So without further ado, here is our favorite Bramlett duck...
HAAAAAAAAAAA! I LOVE this post for many reasons!! Every word you write is true, cause CJ is going through the same thing with the food. And, every parent I know with a toddler says the same thing! I also love the bread on his tray and the duck reference! Thanks for making my night! I miss you! xoxo