

A Little Bit Bigger Hand in Mine
(On January 31 I posted about baby girl's hands in mine)

The kids had a blast with Ya Ya last night and this morning! We headed home this afternoon, and by the time our car turned into the driveway, all 3 of us were more than ready to exit the vehicle and enter our beloved home. Both kiddos were starving when we walked in, so I fixed their dinner and unpacked the car while they ate. As I was moving busily around the kitchen, Riley started whining (oh the joys of the 3-year-old whine!) but wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I assumed it was just because he was so tired. A few minutes later he had to go to the bathroom, and as I was helping him finish up, he said, "Mama, will you please sit beside me while I eat and hold my hand?" This wasn't a normal request from my son, so I said, "Why?" His response: "Because I just need you! I need you to hold my hand!"

You better believe I hoisted myself up on that stool right beside my sweet boy and held his hand while he finished dinner. 

How often do I get so busy with what I think is important at the moment that I miss out on opportunities like this to be "needed" by my children? Sometimes a boy just needs his mama, and I don't want to overlook that because I'm trying to accomplish a certain amount of tasks in a given time period. And I want my children to learn at an early age that I (and their Daddy) will always be available to hold a hand, rub a back, listen to a story, play with hot wheels (or baby dolls), or simply just be - whatever they might need at the moment.

Thank you, Lord, for this great reminder tonight of how much our children need us, but also such a beautiful picture of how available YOU are when we, Your children, need You!

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